Acute and short-term effects of night-time transportation noise exposure on sleep, cognition and cardiometabolic measures

According to the ”Night noise guidelines for Europe”, there is sufficient evidence for adverse biological effects of night-time noise exposure during sleep, for sleep being a biological necessity, and also for the association of disturbed sleep with a number of adverse impacts on health. However, the underlying mechanisms of night-time noise exposure induced sleep disturbances and on possible cause-effect chains between the short-term effects and its effects on short- and long-term cardiometabolic measures remain elusive. In addition, noise sensitivity and the perception of sleep quality (”sound” vs. ”light sleepers”) are both subject to large inter-individual differences that are clearly age dependent. Besides age, specific polymorphisms in so-called clock genes (e.g. PER3) are implicated in human sleep-wake regulation. Moreover, there is current evidence that a variable number tandem repeat polymorphism (VNTR) in the PER3 gene also affects parameters of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) such as blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate variability. This project thus expects to answer the following research questions: What are the differences of the effect of the source (roads, railways, aircraft) and intermittence characteristics (low, medium, high) of night-time noise exposure on acute and short-term sleep outcomes? Are night-time noise exposure evoked impairments in sleep, cognition and cardiometabolic measures dependent on the variable number tandem repeat polymorphisms in the clock gene PER3 and on age? Are short-term effects of night-time noise exposure on sleep and cardiometabolic markers related to long- term effects of night-time noise exposure observed in similar markers in the epidemiological studies? Is individual self-reported noise sensitivity related to individual characteristics in sleep timing, sleep quality, sleep structure, cognitive ability and the variable number tandem repeat polymorphisms in the clock gene PER3 and age?
This project ended in 2018. Scientific publications have been published in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
MSc students: Louis Germond, Salome Bitter, Noelie Gerber
Martin Röösli, Epidemiology and Public Health, Environmental Exposure and Health, Swiss TPH, University of Basel, Switzerland
Nicole Probst, Epidemiology and Public Health, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Genetic Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases, Swiss TPH, University of Basel, Switzerland
Katharina Rentsch and Sophia Rehm, Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
Jean Marc Wunderli, Empa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Duebendorf, Switzerland
Karine Spiegel, WAKING Team, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL) – INSERM U1028, CNRS UMR5292, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France
Rachel Leproult, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, Bruxelles, Belgium
Niels Wessel, Department of Physics, Humboldt-Universität ZU Berlin, Germany
Pascale Roux-Lombard, Laboratoire d’Immunologie et d’Allergologie Clinique, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Switzerland
Eric Grouzmann, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Laboratoire des Catécholamines et Peptides, Lausanne
The study is funded by the Sinergia program of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, Grant Number CRSII3_147635) and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).
Journal paper
First authorship
Thiesse L, Rudzik F, Kraemer J, Spiegel K, Leproult R, Wessel N, Pieren R, Héritier H, Eze IC, Foraster M, Garbazza C, Vienneau D, Brink M, Wunderli JM, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M, Cajochen C. Transportation noise impairs cardiovascular function without altering sleep: The importance of autonomic arousals. Environ Res. 2020.
Thiesse L, Rudzik F, Spiegel K, Leproult R, Pieren R, Wunderli JM, Foraster M, Héritier H, Eze IC, Meyer M, Vienneau D, Brink M, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M, Cajochen C. Adverse impact of nocturnal transportation noise on glucose regulation in healthy young adults: effect of different noise scenarios. Environ Int. 2018.
Rudzik F, Thiesse L, Pieren R, Wunderli JM, Brink M, Foraster M, Héritier H, Eze IC, Garbazza C, Vienneau D, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M, Cajochen C. Sleep spindle characteristics and arousability from night-time transportation noise exposure in healthy young and older individuals. Sleep. 2018.
Brink M, Schäffer B, Vienneau D, Pieren R, Foraster M, Eze IC, Rudzik F, Thiesse L, Cajochen C, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M, Wunderli JM. Self-Reported Sleep Disturbance from Road, Rail and Aircraft Noise: Exposure-Response Relationships and Effect Modifiers in the SiRENE Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019.
Vienneau D, Héritier H, Foraster M, Eze IC, Schaffner E, Thiesse L, Rudzik F, Habermacher M, Köpfli M, Pieren R, Brink M, Cajochen C, Wunderli JM, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M. Façades, floors and maps – Influence of exposure measurement error on the association between transportation noise and myocardial infarction. SNC study group. Environ Int. 2019.
Héritier H, Vienneau D, Foraster M, Eze IC, Schaffner E, de Hoogh K, Thiesse L, Rudzik F, Habermacher M, Köpfli M, Pieren R, Brink M, Cajochen C, Wunderli JM, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M. A systematic analysis of mutual effects of transportation noise and air pollution exposure on myocardial infarction mortality: a nationwide cohort study in Switzerland. Eur Heart J. 2019
Foraster M, Eze IC, Vienneau D, Schaffner E, Jeong A, Héritier H, Rudzik F, Thiesse L, Pieren R, Brink M, Cajochen C, Wunderli JM, Röösli M, Probst-Hensch N. Long-term exposure to transportation noise and its association with adiposity markers and development of obesity. Environ Int. 2018
Héritier H, Vienneau D, Foraster M, Eze IC, Schaffner E, Thiesse L, Rudzik F, Habermacher M, Köpfli M, Pieren R, Schmidt-Trucksäss A, Brink M, Cajochen C, Wunderli JM, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M. Diurnal variability of transportation noise exposure and cardiovascular mortality: A nationwide cohort study from Switzerland. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2018.
Eze IC, Imboden M, Foraster M, Schaffner E, Kumar A, Vienneau D, Héritier H, Rudzik F, Thiesse L, Pieren M, von Eckardstein A, Schindler C, Brink M, Wunderli JM, Cajochen C, Röösli M, Probst-Hensch N. Exposure to Night-Time Traffic Noise, Melatonin-Regulating Gene Variants and Change in Glycemia in Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017.
Foraster M, Eze IC, Schaffner E, Vienneau D, Héritier H, Endes S, Rudzik F, Thiesse L, Pieren R, Schindler C, Schmidt-Trucksäss A, Brink M, Cajochen C, Wunderli JM, Röösli M, Probst-Hensch N. Exposure to Road, Railway, and Aircraft Noise and Arterial Stiffness in the SAPALDIA Study: Annual Average Noise Levels and Temporal Noise Characteristics. Environ Health Perspect. 2017.
Eze IC, Foraster M, Schaffner E, Vienneau D, Héritier H, Rudzik F, Thiesse L, Pieren R, Imboden M, von Eckardstein A, Schindler C, Brink M, Cajochen C, Wunderli JM, Röösli M, Probst-Hensch N. Long-term exposure to transportation noise and air pollution in relation to incident diabetes in the SAPALDIA study. Int J Epidemiol. 2017.
Héritier H, Vienneau D, Foraster M, Eze IC, Schaffner E, Thiesse L, Rudzik F, Habermacher M, Köpfli M, Pieren R, Brink M, Cajochen C, Wunderli JM, Probst-Hensch N, Röösli M. Transportation noise exposure and cardiovascular mortality: a nationwide cohort study from Switzerland. Eur J Epidemiol. 2017.
Conference abstracts
Thiesse, L. & Rudzik, F. (2017) Störung des Schlafes durch Lärm Ergebnisse der Labor -SiRENE- Studie, SGA-SSA Herbsttagung, Solothurn.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Leproult, R., Foraster, M., Héritier, H., Eze, I.C., Vienneau, D., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2017) Temporal variation of transportation noise during sleep impacts on glucose metabolism. International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN), Zurich.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Leproult, R., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2017) Deleterious effect of nocturnal transportation noise on sleep, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung, Schlafmedizin und Chronobiologie (SGSSC), Lugano.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Leproult, R., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2016) Short-term effect of nocturnal transportation noise on glucose metabolism. 23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Bologna.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2016) Short-term effect of nocturnal transportation noise on glucose metabolism. 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise), Hamburg.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2016) Short-term effect of nocturnal transportation noise on glucose metabolism. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung, Schlafmedizin und Chronobiologie (SGSSC), Basel.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Leproult, R., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2018) Analysis of day and night-time stress markers after sleeping with nocturnal traffic noise. ESRS, Basel.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Leproult, R., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2017) Temporal Variation Of Transportation Noise During Sleep Impacts On Glucose Metabolism. Sleep, Boston.
Thiesse, L., Rudzik, F., Pieren, R., Wunderli, J.M., Spiegel, K., Brink, M., Probst-Hensch, N., Röösli, M., Cajochen, C. (2016) Short-term effect of nocturnal transportation noise on glucose metabolism. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR), Tampa
Thiesse, L., Viola, A.U., Clark, I., Pieren, R., Brink, M., Wunderli, J.M., Cajochen, C. (2015) Effects of freight train noise on heart rate variability during sleep. Sleep and Chronobiology summerschool, Oxford.