The SRF show “Gesundheit heute” from September 14, 2024, focused on how light affects our health.
Light colour is less important for the internal clock than originally thought
Light in the evening is thought to be bad for sleep. However, does the colour of the light play a role? Researchers from the University of Basel and the Technical University of Munich compared the influence of different light colours on the human body. The researchers’ findings contradict the results of a previous study in mice.
(more…)Front Page Communications Biology
Our publication made it to the front page of Nature Communications Biology
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The Daylight Award 2022

On May 16th 2022 Prof. emerita Anna Wirz-Justice won the prestigious The Daylight Award 2022 for her outstanding research on the effects of (day-)light on circadian rhythms and mood. We warmly gratulate our former Head of the Centre for Chronobiology to this major achievement!
If you want to see a short portrait of her click on this link
Umfrage “COVID-19 & Schlaf”
Wie wirken sich die Massnahmen zur Eindämmung der COVID-19 Epidemie auf unseren Schlaf sowie die Passung zwischen inneren biologischen und sozialen Rhythmen aus? Dieser spannenden Fragestellung gehen Forscher*innen des Zentrums für Chronobiologie in einer Umfrage nach. Erzählen auch Sie uns hier, wie es Ihnen aktuell geht.