Light in the evening is thought to be bad for sleep. However, does the colour of the light play a role? Researchers from the University of Basel and the Technical University of Munich compared the influence of different light colours on the human body. The researchers’ findings contradict the results of a previous study in mice.
Front Page Communications Biology
Our publication made it to the front page of Nature Communications Biology
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The Daylight Award 2022
On May 16th 2022 Prof. emerita Anna Wirz-Justice won the prestigious The Daylight Award 2022 for her outstanding research on the effects of (day-)light on circadian rhythms and mood. We warmly gratulate our former Head of the Centre for Chronobiology to this major achievement!
If you want to see a short portrait of her click on this link
Umfrage “COVID-19 & Schlaf”
Wie wirken sich die Massnahmen zur Eindämmung der COVID-19 Epidemie auf unseren Schlaf sowie die Passung zwischen inneren biologischen und sozialen Rhythmen aus? Dieser spannenden Fragestellung gehen Forscher*innen des Zentrums für Chronobiologie in einer Umfrage nach. Erzählen auch Sie uns hier, wie es Ihnen aktuell geht.